Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I just might go broke buying blueberries!
Sick but really busy...
I did more landscaping, refinished an end table and built a shed with Pat and our landlord. I will be posting photos on my other blog of all this work.
And of course I have not had a moment to myself since Olivia got out of school so last night I was up until midnight figuring since Stephen is out of school until summer school starts that I could sleep in. No. Pat had to go into work early and I was awakened at 5:30 a.m. by my pee soaked daughter (those Potty Patty "waterproof" pull-ups can't absorb the gallon of pee my daughter emits every night) and stumbled around changing her bedding. Of course my brain does not shut off easily once it is turned on and I was not able to fall back asleep. It is 7:40 a.m. and they are both still asleep. Any other day that I can't drag myself out of bed they are up at the crack of dawn. Murphy's Law in action.
From everyone else's blogs I've been following for the past 2 months it seems that the germs are not taking a holiday. Sick moms and sick kids are in ample supply. I don't know about any of you but this year has been full of illness and crappy weather! I hope that heading into July we can all enjoy some good health and nice weather!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Keep your foot out of the toilet because you could break it!
I was laughing so hard I was crying. I wasn't laughing at my daughter's pain. I just could not get over how the heck she got her foot in the toilet! My husband was trying really hard not to laugh. Once I got her pants off and got a good look at her foot and she kept crying, I wasn't laughing. She had swelling and the area was turning purple. She can be quite dramatic and we don't always know how much she is exaggerating things. So to see if she was really hurt I had her take a shower and see if once she was focused on something else she would start feeling better. Well, she cried in the shower. She got out and got into jammies and we put ice on her foot for ten minutes.
Pat and I just couldn't shake the feeling that it might be broken. So I decided to take her to the ER. Let me premise this little journey to the ER with two facts, I am sick and have a back injury from a car accident in November 2008. I had to carry her everywhere and even had to hold her over the toilet when she went pee at the hospital.
We waited two and a half hours to get a 5 minute examination in the hallway from a doctor that poked her foot and said he would get x-rays and I told him she already had one! We waited another half an hour for him to come back and tell us it wasn't broken and that they would put an ice pack on it and give her some Motrin. We got the ice pack after about 15 minutes and then finally got the Motrin three and a half hours after we had first stepped foot in the hospital. Pun intended ; ) My back was screaming with pain from carrying her around and sitting in those horrible chairs.
Of course, as any parent knows, if I hadn't taken her to the ER her foot would have been broken. She woke up Saturday morning and ran around all day like nothing happened. So tell your kids to keep their feet out of the toilet or just make sure the lids are always down!
By the way, I just looked at the form they gave me at the hospital and it says she hurt her right foot. Gee, thank God she didn't need surgery or they would have operated on the wrong foot. Wonder why I hate doctors and hospitals!!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Goodbye Mr. Turtle, hello The Funkster
No more stinkin' crowns to be pulled!!
Olivia had another cavity (darn GERD). She has the worst teeth. She has been on medication for her GERD since birth and used to foam at the mouth while sleeping, was still spitting up in kindergarten even though she was on medication! Does anyone else's child have this problem?
So Olivia has to go back for her filling : (
How is dental care for your kids?
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Here comes the sun!
Hope you all were able to enjoy the nice weather. It is going to rain for another week here : (
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Stop and smell the roses
We also played almost one full game of croquet. I was enjoying it and she quit when she saw I was winning : (
She has made me slow down and do more recreational things instead of running myself into the ground with chores, errands and phone calls. She is also very bright and articulate so I get to have conversations with her which are always interesting and revealing : )
How are you all doing with your chicklets home for the summer?
Communication, yes, please!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Fun new cheap sensory toys
I don't care if I go broke buying blueberries!
I still can't beleive he eats them because they are so squishy.
New lenses are on their way!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Stephen is better just really tired
He was just crying and looking really tired about a half an hour ago so I stroked his eyebrow and his head. My mom used to do that to my eyebrow and it always put me to sleep. He went from crying to being lovey and looking really sleepy. He is asleep now and hopefully will sleep all night. He really needs a good night sleep.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My glasses suck
Another swollen bug bite for Olivia and her Segmental NF-1
Stephen is sick : (
And now he is sick with a fever. Poor little guy. His temp was 101.4 armpit (so it's actually 102.4). I hope he takes a nap because he won't take the oral medicine and he has to be really sick to give him the suppositories otherwise he won't let me put them in. The only relief he gets when he is sick but not sick enough for suppositories is when he sleeps.
Turtle, Mr. Turtle
Saturday, June 20, 2009
How ironic
We move to another area of the yard and keep talking. About 5 minutes later I casually look over at the swing and it is empty! I scan the yard quickly with my eyes and run inside to see if Stephen went back inside. I run out to the side walk and yell his name and I look over at my neighbors house and there he is trying to get in the front door. Stephen looks over at me and starts walking towards me. I brought him inside and locked the screen door and kept the front door of the house open that goes to the porch and go out the back door which has a child safety knob on it.
As my heart starts beating again, I go to my duplex neighbor's yard where my husband is mowing the lawn (yes, he is such a nice guy) and tell him I'm waiting for him to tell me "I told you so". Which he doesn't. Yes, he is a really nice guy ; ) Whenever he has been home and I am out in the yard with the kids, he constantly pops out to make sure that Stephen hasn't run off and tells me I am too trusting with Stephen. I guess he was right.
We just need a fence. I know I am not the only one who has a child that is a flight risk and would love to hear some stories.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Coca-Cola for ADHD?
I mainly didn't want soda in the house because of my daughter, she is a sugar fiend like her father. I reluctantly started buying my husband Coke recently only because if I buy it it will be really cheap and if he buys it he will be paying too much. He just has to have his soda. I should give him credit because he only drinks one a day. I digress. I certainly don't let my daughter drink it. It has no nutritional value and she doesn't need the caffeine given her hyperness (is that a word?). Or so I thought......
I just read in someone else's post that the caffeine in a Coca Cola has the same stimulant effect as ADHD meds. The post was full of responses to the news that ADHD meds increases the risk of death in children. One respondent was a pharmacist that said to just give your kid a Coke in the morning because it has the same stimulant effect as meds. I am not a fan of medication unless absolutely medically necessary, especially for my kids. That is why I am excited by the theory that using soda could help my daughter. Nobody ever died from drinking a soda!
She is having a half a can this morning and the other half after lunch. I will inform you of any significant results.
I need to go have my coffee. Yes, I self medicate my undiagnosed ADHD with coffee. 1 cup 2-3 times a day. Who knew medicine could be so tasty ; )
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Books, lights and music
This is what was left of his collection. I organized them and showed him what I did. He really liked it. I and Pat decided that we will not buy him books unless he has shown us online or in a store that he wants them. This will hopefully keep his bood collection full of books that he really enjoys.
Now there is room to grow!
I also did some organizing in Olivia's room and removed some things she doesn't need anymore.
I am in the mood to gut things again. I am going to try to list a whole bunch of stuff I have been putting aside on ebay and get it out of the house!! Some extra money would be nice too : )
Monday, June 15, 2009
I feel like crap. Runny nose, congested throat, achy. I did not want to get out of bed this morning.
Two more days and Olivia is out of school for the summer and my whole daytime routine is going to be obliterated. I really hope I can balance spending quality time with her and doing my chores, blogging, errands and what not. We shall see. Stephen will be going into summer school a week after his school year ends and will have about 3 weeks at the end of August that he will be home. Thankfully, he will be 15 minutes away again for summer school. I don't trust the summer program as much as his school year program (which is about 40 minutes away) and had to pick him up a couple times last summer for his behavior.
How are you all dealing with your kids summer vacation?
Potty Patty is not leak proof
So I'm still glad I bought these because I have to do laundry EVERY DAY in this house so I can easily throw her sheets and pull-ups in the wash without doing extra loads. I'm also glad that I am no longer contributing to the gazillions of pull-ups in the landfills. And they are making her wake up when she pees which was one of the reasons I bought them. They are also absorbing the majority of the pee. However, if you are looking for a truly waterproof cloth pull-up these are not it!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Cloth pull-ups and bedwetting
SOOO, I went on ebay to find cloth pull-ups that fit her. Luckily, she is slim for her age and I found Potty Patty 2 in 1 waterproof cloth training pants in XL. I ordered 3 pairs. They came yesterday. One pair was a medium which I will be sending back for an XL. I washed and dried them and they are really soft inside and out. My daughter wore them last night and stayed dry all night!!! I am curious to see how well they contain the pee when she does pee in her sleep. Hopefully she is on her way to getting up to go pee in the middle of the night.
Do any of you have any stories about potty training?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Looks like chicken
A leopard can't change its spots
She is such a great kid. She is energetic, creative, funny and independent. I really hope she learns to accept this part of herself and not let it damage her self-esteem. I also hope she learns to focus on the friends and family that love her just the way she is. I was teased and rejected as a child for various reasons and it wasn't until I reached my 20's that I finally really liked and accepted myself.
Have any of you had to deal with your child being teased or made fun of and how have you tried to help your child deal with it?
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My name is....
I couldn't wait to get out of there. Am I the only one that always feels like they could be doing something better when they are in these kind of shallow social situations? I know that most parents feel like schmoozing with the teacher will get their kids some kind of special attention in class and they are probably right. I don't believe in kissing people's butts and acting fake to get things. If I like you than I like you for you not for what you can do for me. I think that because I don't have a fancy house, cool stuff or something else to offer people other than my winning personality that is why they generally don't gravitate towards me. Am I off with my perception of most people being users? I feel like most people are always carefully orchestrating what they say and how they act with other people to get what they want out of the relationship or interaction.
Sometimes I wonder if what is considered a lack of social skills is actually a keen perception of people being fake. I get "vibes" about people all the time. But on the flip side I don't always know when someone is trying to take advantage of me. Because I always have a hard time "reading" people I generally approach most people with distrust. Most people annoy or disgust me. Most of the time I look at people's behavior like a kid watches bugs in a jar. Fascinated yet disgusted and somewhat terrified at the thought of actual contact. People confuse, terrify and fascinate me. I really like how some people are on the surface but somehow always feel like they are not who they appear to be. Ugh.
I also have a hard time concealing my true feelings. I have a compulsion and natural need to be honest and "real". I'm always me. What you see is what you get. I don't have 2 faces. It seems to me most people have more than 2 faces. One face for work, one for their spouse, one for their friends, etc. I find most interactions with people upsetting. I always feel like I am dealing with some "version" of someone. There is a reason women say they are putting on their face when they apply makeup. Not a fan of make up. I digress. It would be great if everyone walked around with those "My name is..." tags that said who they really are and what they are really up to.
Are any of you as confused, frustrated yet fascinated with people as I am?
I understand why my son fixates or obsesses on books, music and movies. They are consistent. They are always the same. They don't have ulterior motives. They aren't confusing. I guess that is one of the reasons why I enjoy my many hobbies. Being alone is so much easier and enjoyable for me. Unless someone else shares my interest in something. Than talking with that person is exciting to me and not stressful.
Wow, I feel like I just rambled on. If any of this made sense to anyone or they would like to give me their take on these things, please leave a comment.
Also, they had a table with food that I did not partake in because of everyone touching the food. One teenage girl (sister of student?) stood there eating right out of the bowl!! Yuck!!