I am constantly reading and caring deeply about the lives of other parents who have children with special needs. I very frequently take the time to comment on others' blog posts and facebook posts to give support or advice and let them know they aren't alone. I don't get that kind of support myself and it hurts and makes me feel very isolated. It makes me not want to even bother posting anything because I don't get a lot of feedback.
i just found you recently.
hang in there!
I read your blog every time you post. Every. Single. Time. However, I do realize that I often do not comment and for that I am very sorry.
I love your blog and I hope you will continue to write!
I'm sorry. I think your blog is great, but my life has been kind of a mess lately and I haven't had the mental resources to even write in my own blog much until recently. Hang in there!
haven't stopped by here in ages! Hope you are doing well. I can relate to the support thing. It's so easy to feel alone...or that others really don't 'get it'. :)
awwww.... im so sorry! i havent been keeping up my own blog OR reading anyone elses in months and months. i guess it was an unplanned hiatus. BUT, i've been back finally in the past few weeks and you were one of the first bloggers i stopped in to see bc i always remembered how supportive you were to me! i know it is frustrating to give and not feel you are receiving, but know that you are thought about, by more than just me im sure, even if the comments aren't written you are in our hearts and minds because of your kindness.
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